Immigration Law

Welcome to our Immigration Law practice. At our firm, we specialize in assisting individuals and families who have applied for visas through the Department of Home Affairs and are facing delays or denials in their application outcomes.

Whether you’re waiting for a decision or have received a denial, our experienced team is here to provide expert guidance and representation to navigate the complexities of immigration law. Let us help you achieve your immigration goals with confidence and peace of mind.

Our Immigration Services include:


  • Assistance for individuals and families who have applied for visas through the Department of Home Affairs.
  • Assisting clients with appeals related to overstaying of visas.
  • Providing guidance on the intricacies of South Africa’s Immigration Act of 2002, the Refugees Act of 1998, as well as relevant repealed immigration legislation, regulations, policies, and case law.
  • Developing tailored immigration strategies for individuals and corporations to achieve their objectives.
  • Delivering expert legal counsel and support from experienced immigration attorneys.
  • Assisting with administrative reviews and appeals at both Director General and Ministerial levels.
  • Facilitating Ministerial regulatory waiver and exemption applications.
  • Providing comprehensive advice, representation, and litigation support in cases involving deportation, inspectorate investigations, and arrests.



Litigation is an action brought in court or by way of private arbitration to enforce a particular right. It is the act or process of bringing a lawsuit in and of itself.

Family Law

Dirk Kotze Attorneys offers expert advice and assistance in all aspects of divorces and family law matters.

Property Law

Property law is the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership of movable and immovable property under the common law, statutory law and constitutional perspectives. Simply put, it is anything owned by a person or entity.

Personal Injury

Dirk Kotze Attorneys has vast experience in the field of personal injury claims. We offer professional services of the highest quality and utmost dedication.

Corporate and Commercial Law

Corporate and Commercial Law refers to legal issues concerning companies, close corporations, agencies, franchises and partnerships.

Public Procurement

Public Procurement, also known as Tenders, refers to how public authorities, such as government, provincial or municipal departments, purchase work, goods or services from businesses.

Immigration Law

We specialize in assisting individuals and families who have applied for visas through the Department of Home Affairs and are facing delays or denials in their application outcomes.

Contact us to find out more

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